“My wife left after only two days into our marriage”

Hello, my name is Elvis Peter, am 3 months shy to 23 years, and I live with epilepsy. The world recently celebrated valentines day, love and happiness hovered all over the place, it was evident due to the many happy faces I saw that day.

Indeed, love is a beautiful thing, but only to the “chosen few”(my opinion). My Valentine’s day was a slow one. it was filled with bitterness and regrets. I really didn’t get the true meaning of it.

Like most of you, I was also in love with someone, Carol, who meant the world to me, she was the only family I had, considering that am an orphan. All went well, our love blossomed until that fateful night while sleeping, at around midnight.

I got a seizure, which I felt changed my love life, it cut short our dream to stay together with my lovely wife and start a family only two days into our marriage. I only remember waking up, turning the lights on. I had urinated on our bed, blood was oozing from my mouth but carol was nowhere to be seen. The next morning, at around 6am, I heard a knock on the door, I opened it, she came in, packed all her belongings, and left, without even saying a word, not even goodbye. My plea fell on deaf ears.

Even after preparing her psychologically all through our dating stage, she felt that it was kinda too much for her, she couldn’t put up with the “Scary” scenes of that day. I regret that I didn’t get a seizure while still dating her, I still question God why he allowed it to happen on that day.

I sometimes feel like a burden, especially to my neighbors and the people around me. Am glad I joined youth on the move, I hope it covers my bruised confidence and restores my lost hopes, maybe I’ll find love again, I know the future holds more for me. I know I will cope well with my condition.